Florida Property Appraiser

Columbia County Property Appraiser

The Property Appraiser aims to identify, locate, and justly value the real and personal properties in the county for tax purposes. The specific duties include: keeping track of ownership changes, keeping maps of parcel boundaries, updating descriptions of property features, dealing with the applications from residents qualified for exemptions, and analyzing the changes in sales prices to assess the property value accurately.

There are mainly two methods to appraise the properties: the cost method and the income method. The cost method is based on the cost of building a nearly equivalent structure on the parcel. The appraiser also assesses the depreciation of the property over time and the value of the land. The income method is made by researching the profitability of the properties. This method is commonly used for business properties such as stores, office buildings, apartment complexes, etc. The appraiser needs to take into account the maintenance expenses, taxes, insurance, or the returns of properties people anticipate.

Does the Property Appraiser Levy Taxes?

No, the property appraiser is not responsible for collecting taxes. What the property appraiser does is to annually assess all properties in the county before January 1 every year. Then the taxing authorities set the millage rate and finally the tax collectors levy the taxes.

Columbia County Property Search

A Real Property Record Search Page provided by the Columbia County Property Appraiser is used to help you find out details about properties in Columbia County.
There are also some advanced search options for you to choose from. Please notice that the more information you input, the less search results you will get.

Property Search

Having entered the information you prefer, you need to click the "Run Search" button.
You will get a wealth of details such as owner & property information, sales history, building characteristics, extra features & out Buildings, and land Breakdown.

Contact the Columbia County Property Appraiser

Main Office
Address: 135 NE Hernando Ave., Suite 238, Lake City, Florida 32055
Phone: 386-758-1083
Fax: 386-758-2131
Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday

Fort White Office
Address: 118 SW Wilson Springs Rd., Ft. White, FL 32038 (Old Library/ Town Hall)
Phone: 386-497-1626
Hours: 8:30 - 4:30 every Wednesday

Website: columbia.floridapa.com

County Property Appraiser