Florida Property Appraiser

Walton County Property Appraiser

The Walton County Property Appraiser is required by Florida law to identify, locate, and value all real and personal properties for tax purposes within Walton County. Besides, there are also other duties of the Property Appraiser - keeping track of ownership changes, keeping up-to-date descriptions of properties, administering applications for tax exemptions, and studying the transactions in the property marketplace. The Property Appraiser does not create the property value. It is the people who sell and buy properties that establish the value. The Property Appraiser just appraises the value by analyzing such transactions of the properties accordingly. Gary J, Gregor was elected the Property Appraiser of Walton County on January 4, 2021.

The Property Appraiser physically inspects all properties in the county at least once every five years. The property value may be changed according to the sales activities of properties in the neighborhood. Three methods are normally used to appraise the properties. The Sales Comparison Method is based on the sales prices of similar properties. The Property Appraiser should make sure that each transaction is an arm’s length transaction. The Cost Method is to calculate the cost of building an equivalent structure on the parcel at the current labor and material prices. The value of the land itself and the depreciation over time should also be taken into account. The Income Method is used for commercial properties such as offices, apartments, stores, and so on. The income that the property may produce is the key factor. In addition, The operating and maintenance costs, insurance, taxes, and expected return should also be considered.

Walton County Property Search

A Property Search Page is offered by the Walton County Property Appraiser on the website.

Property Search

Six search criteria are available for you to search the properties - search by owner name, search by location address, search by parcel number, search by legal information, search by subdivision name, or search by subdivision plats.

Enter the relevant item in the search box of the preferred search criterion, and click the search button on the right.
You will get detailed information on the property, including parcel summary, owner information, certified values, land information, building information, extra features, sales history, etc.

How to Use the Tax Estimator?

You can estimate your property taxes on the website.

Tax Estimator

You need to select the tax district-millage rate, enter the just (market) value, choose whether you get tax exemptions, and enter the SOH Portability Amount (If Any). Click the "Compute" button at the bottom and you will get the estimated property taxes. Please note that the Tax Estimator is just for tax estimation. The result does not represent the actual taxes shown on the upcoming tax bill.

Contact the Walton County Property Appraiser

Two Convenient Offices
Main Office:
Address: 571 US Hwy 90 East, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433
Phone: 850-892-8123
Fax: 850-892-8374
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday

South County Annex:
Address: 31 Coastal Centre Blvd, Ste 600, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
Phone: 850-267-4500
Fax: 850-267-1911
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday

Email: wcpa@waltonpa.com
Facebook: @WaltonCountyPropertyAppraiser
Website: waltonpa.com
You can also submit your questions on the Contact Us page.

County Property Appraiser