Florida Property Appraiser

Palm Beach County Property Appraiser

The Palm Beach Property Appraiser is responsible for determining the value of more than 640,000 parcels and nearly 60,000 tangible personal properties for tax purposes in Palm Beach County. In addition, he is also in charge of administering applications for tax exemptions and keeping up-to-date property ownership records and official maps. Dorothy Jacks was elected as the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser.

The appraised value minus any exemptions equals the taxable value. Even if your property is similar to or even the same as the property of your neighbor, the appraised value and taxes of the properties may differ. Since the annual assessment cap of homestead properties (3%) and non-homestead properties (10%) are different, and the cap begins from the year after the purchase, if your neighbor bought the property at a different time, your capped value may be different. Furthermore, the ability of the owners to "port" cap savings from one homestead to another also affects the appraised value and taxes. Finally, your neighbor may be qualified for some tax exemptions, which also leads to the reduction of taxable values and taxes. Market value, which is unaffected by caps or exemptions, allows for a more accurate assessment of comparable properties.

Palm Beach County Property Search

A Property Search Page is provided by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser on the website.

Property Search

There are two search options in the "More Search Options" Tool: real property search options and tangible personal property search options.
You can use criteria such as owner name, address, parcel control number, subdivision, municipality, and other options to search for detailed information about the real properties, including property details, owner information, sales information, exemption information, assessed and taxable values, taxes, etc.

If you want to search for the sales of the property, you should use the "Nearby Sales Search Option" or the "Advanced Sales Search Option".

Contact the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser

Phone: 561-355-3230 (General Questions)
Main Office & Downtown Service Center
Address: County Governmental Center
Main Office - 5th Floor
Downtown Service Center (Exemptions) - 1st Floor
301 North Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-355-2866
Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday
Website: www.pbcgov.org/papa/
You can also submit your questions online and see more contact information about branch offices on the Contact Us page.

County Property Appraiser