Florida Property Appraiser

Palm Beach County Tax Collector

Property taxes are due on November 1 every year (paid in arrears) and become delinquent on April 1 of the next year. After April 1, the taxes cannot be paid online. Early payments would get certain discounts:

If paid in November, 4% discount.
If paid in December, 3% discount.
If paid in January, 2% discount.
If paid in February, 1% discount.
If paid in March, gross amount.

How to Pay Property Taxes Online?

You can check whether your property taxes have been paid or pay your property taxes online on the website.

Property Tax Search and Pay

Firstly, select any one of the search types - search by owner, search additional owners, search by property control number (PCN/PIN), search by property address, or search by mailing address. Secondly, enter the search information in the search fields. Thirdly, click the search button. Finally, click the Property Control Number to view the account when the results are displayed.

If there is a balance due, it will be displayed in the upper right corner of the Collection Cart. If there is not a balance due, "No payment due for this account" will appear on the Collection Cart.

Contact the Palm Beach County Tax Collector

Physical Address:
Administrative Office
Governmental Center
301 North Olive Avenue, 3rd Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Mailing Address:
Tax Collector, Palm Beach County
P.O. Box 3715, West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3715
Phone: 561-355-2264
Hours: 8:15 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday
Website: pbctax.com

County Property Appraiser