Florida Property Appraiser

Polk County Tax Collector

Property taxes consist of ad valorem taxes and non-ad valorem assessments, which are collected yearly on real estate and tangible personal properties. Real estate includes all land-related structures and improvements. Annual ad valorem taxes are assessed based on the value of real estate and tangible personal property. Real estate also receives non-ad valorem assessments for necessary services like fire suppression and trash removal. The Polk Tax Collector is responsible for collecting both ad valorem taxes and non-ad valorem assessments in Polk County.

How to Search and Pay Property Taxes?

A Search & Pay Property Taxes Page is provided by the Polk County Tax Collector on the website.

Search and Pay Property Taxes

You can search the property taxes by entering the account, bill number, name, or address in the search box and clicking the search button. Then click the the search result to view the tax bill. If there is an amount due, add the bill to the chart and pay it.

Contact the Polk County Tax Collector

Bartow Service Center
Address: 430 East Main Street, Bartow, Florida 33830. (See more locations of Branches on the Locations page)
Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday
Phone: 863-534-4700, 1-855-765-5829 (Toll-Free for long-distance)
Website: polktaxes.com
You can chat with the Polk County Tax Collector by clicking on the "Chart Now " at the bottom of the Contact Us page, and you can also send an email message on this website.

County Property Appraiser