Florida Property Appraiser

Putnam County Tax Collector

The Property tax is calculated based on the taxable value of the property determined by the Property Appraiser, the millage rates created by the taxing authorities, and the non-ad valorem assessments set by the levying bodies. The Tax Collector is responsible for billing, collecting, and distributing the taxes. Property taxes are due on November 1 each year and become delinquent on April 1 of the next year. Installment payments are made in June, September, December and March. Early payment will get certain discounts (4% if paid in November, 3% if paid in December, 2% if paid in January, and 1% if paid in February).

How to Use Property Tax Search and Pay?

A Property Tax Search and Pay Page is offered by the Putnam County Tax Collector on the website.

Property Tax Search and Pay

You can search the property by account, owner name, property address, or building address. Choose the search type you prefer and enter the relevant item in the search field. Then click the "Search" button and you will get the information about the taxes of the property. If this is an amount due, you can click the "PAY NOW" button on the left and make the payment online. You can also click the "Property ID" button to see the details of the property.

Contact the Putnam County Tax Collector

Physical Address: 312 Oak Street Palatka, FL 32177
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1339, Palatka FL 32178
Phone: 386-329-0282
Fax: 386-329-0886 (Administration), 386-329-0886 (Tax Services)
Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday
Website: putnamtax.com
For more locations, please see the Locations and Hours page. You can also submit your questions on the Contact Us page.

County Property Appraiser